When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
– Luke 5:4
While I was in prayer, the HOLY SPIRIT told me to ask you, “Are you all in?” I felt led by the Spirit to send you this message because of what God has for you. I’m asking you this question because God has something BIG for you and He has purposed to launch you into INCREASE. If only you could SEE what God has shown me for your life, you would STOP what you are doing right now and read what GOD has given me for you.
Have you been wondering what is next for your life? Of late, has it seemed to you like nothing is moving forward or things aren’t moving fast enough? Have you felt like the recognition and the acknowledgment you deserve for your hard work and sacrifice has not come to you? Do you feel like this is long overdue? As I write this, I sense that at times you feel as if even among your family and friends you are on the outside looking in. But, let me tell you, your challenges are not because of how much money you make, or even the type of job you have. It’s not your family or friends that are holding you back. The real challenge is that the enemy has been attempting to keep you DIVIDED and unstable in your heart and mind, really in your faith. He has been trying to keep you from knowing and TRUSTING who you are in CHRIST.
Today, God is calling you back to the reality that you are ONE SPIRIT and ONE BLOOD in CHRIST. He is calling you to be ALL IN with Him and live in the fullness of His glory. You see, God is serious about this and He has directed me to get you working with your faith to HEAL the DIVIDE in your life. Perhaps, you’ve been feeling separated from God’s purpose, and not receiving the blessings that are due to you because you’ve been working divided. But as your Prophetic Prayer Connection:
I DECLARE, this is your time, that God is healing everything that is dividing you from the BLESSING and everything that has been pushing you out of your purpose.
I DECREE Right Now:
The DISTRACTION is removed from your LIFE.
The DESTRUCTION is removed from your LIFE.
The DISCOMFORT is removed from your LIFE.
God is removing the source of the DIVIDE and the DISBELIEF that the enemy has planted in your LIFE.
The enemy has caused this DIVIDE in your LIFE. But, in the powerful name of Jesus, we are canceling it right now. God has opened my eyes and has shown me that this is your time to STAND UP and to start WALKING in the oneness that God has called you to. It’s time for you to be “ALL IN”. I declare to you, you are COMPLETE and nothing can STOP YOU. The Angel of the Lord is going out before you and recovering all that was LOST and you shall receive your INCREASE.
I am directing you to STAND today and take ACTION.
Receive your Redemption from LOST THINGS, LOST TIME and LOST OPPORTUNITIES. It’s coming back around to you!
Repeat right now:
THE DIVIDE in my life is HEALED. I am ONE with CHRIST, I am one BLOOD, I am ALL IN and ready to claim the INCREASE IN MY LIFE.
You will discover HOW to stop the crisis and maintain the blessings of God in your Life.
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