See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.
– Matthew 24:6-7
In the midst of any uncertainty, we must be reminded that the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is both a news outlet transmitting the good news of Jesus Christ and a healthcare provider ministering the healing grace of Jesus who heals all manner of sickness and disease among people.
If you are a child of the King, a child of the kingdom, now is not the time for you to be silent. Now is not the time for you to retreat. Now is not the time to hold back from doing what you know to do as a new creation believer.
We are not going under, we’re going over.
We are not sitting down, we’re rising up!
See to it that you are not troubled! We are rising up as children of the Kingdom!
Thank God for the comfort and wisdom of the scriptures. Proverbs 24:10 says, “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small…”
Listen, if you are wavering right now, it’s not because you’re not a believer; it’s not because you’re not trusting God; it’s because “your strength is being diminished”. The Holy Spirit is in your spirit; and Jesus said when His Spirit comes into your spirit, there is a well springing up inside of you that is trying to get up and out. But what can keep that well from getting out is the condition of your soul, your mind, your will, your emotions, and your attitude.
If your mind is not renewed, your mind will stop what is in you from springing up. Same with your emotions and your attitude. These can decrease the fullness of the flow. If we choose to say what the world is saying more than what the Word says the well that is springing up within you will hit a ceiling.
It is vitally important during this time that you are constantly renewing your mind by the Word of God and that you are disciplining your tongue to say only what God is saying. The more your mind is renewed, the more you get the Word of God in your mouth, the well that is springing up inside of you will begin to become a river springing forth out of you!
Listen, here is the good news about the principles that govern the operation of the anointing: Your healing is a part of that well within you. Your protection is a part of that well within you, YOU NEW CREATION YOU. I am telling you, when that well inside of you begins to spring forth out of you, whatever the situation, whatever the circumstance you are dealing with, will be no match for the anointing!
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