“Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.” – (1 Timothy 5:17, NKJV)
It brings us so much joy to have this opportunity to share with you that as you read this letter… your, and our Prophet and Apostle is embarking on celebrating his birthday June 7th… that’s “6/7” on your calendar. To say that we are grateful to God for all that He has done, and is doing with our Prophet, and for connecting us to such a unique and precious anointing in the man of God, Bishop Clarence E. McClendon, is an understatement. And we know that you feel the same.
That is why this year, as this Presbytery and Leadership prepare to surprise our Prophet and shower him with appreciation and honor on his special day, we want to include you, our Prophet’s precious partners from around the world.
As he continues to answer the call of God on his life, and the assignment for the people of God. As he continues to navigate us by God’s Word, let’s join together and bless him for his good work in the Kingdom of God and for the gift that he is to us.
This year we are asking you to come into agreement as we mark the month of June (6th month) and the blessed day (June 7th) our Prophet was born. We believe, as we enter the half-way point of the year (6th month), our connection to this Anointing is scheduled for increase. On the 7th day of this month, we want our Prophet to enter into “rest” and be assured that “He who has begun a good work in him… will complete it!”
So, we are asking you, his beloved partners, and friends, those connected to and blessed by his stewardship of the Anointing into the Prophet’s life in celebration and appreciation.
Please stand with us for the Prophet, Bishop McClendon’s Birthday.
That’s 6 for the month, and 7 to mark the day according to your measure of faith.
We want to agree with you (as we know our Prophet would) for 67 Days of Supernatural Miracles and Breakthrough.
Imagine with us, a jumpstart on entering your next season. Seeing the effects that will set you up for the manifestation of the promises of God now and in the days ahead. We, with our Prophet, are believing for you, an immediate release of financial favor!
Your continual faith in God, your continual trust in our Prophet and this ministry has caused the floodgates of prosperity to open for you.
Prosperity in your health!
Prosperity in your finances!
Prosperity in your relationships!
Prosperity in your career!
The Lord is doing this for you and your generations to come because you have stood in faith and trust in His Prophet.
We are ready to receive our miracles, and we know you are ready! Ready to walk in 67 Days of Supernatural Miracles and Breakthrough!
Stand with us today and let’s celebrate our Prophet, Bishop Clarence E. McClendon and this next season of visitation, revelation knowledge, supernatural miracles, and breakthrough!
We hope that you are as excited as we are about being a blessing to our Prophet, Bishop Clarence E. McClendon on his birthday, June 7th (6/7). And remember, what you make happen for the Man of God, the Prophet, the Apostle on this his day, God will make happen for you.
Ready to become a partner?
or call us at: 310-323-2600
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