Then Moses said to the LORD, “See, You say to me, ‘Bring up this people!’ But You Yourself have not let me know whom You will send with me Moreover, You have said, ‘I have known you by name, and you have also found favor in My sight.” – Exodus 33:12
I have exciting NEWS for YOU! Uncommon favor is coming your way. I hear the Lord saying, “Uncommon Favor is going to bring you the life you so desire.”
I know it’s been an uphill battle, but can I tell you that this is your season of uncommon favor? Can you believe that this is your season of uncommon favor? I hear the Holy Spirit saying, “It is time to change the channel of disbelief to believing and declaring the Word of God.”
The Lord has already sent forth your angel. Doors that seemed like they were closed are opening up for you at this time.
God is removing people that have been holding you back. Uncommon favor is being released as you read this. Receive it!
The promotion you have been believing for in this season has already been secured because of the uncommon favor on your life.
The home you have been believing God for, it is yours. God is sending the right people to connect you to your destiny. God’s favor is working for you and your family during this season.
Favor is not fair and you have been pushed to the top.
Get ready! You cannot be taken advantage of during this season. There are great benefits when the anointing of uncommon favor is favoring your life.
Start giving yourself permission to walk away from lack and walk into the prosperity of what God has called you to walk into.
● You will be the lender, not the borrower in this season!
● Locked doors are being opened. Don’t be afraid to enter!
● You have been moved to the front of the line. So, take your rightful position!
● Your harvest is manifesting as you read this letter!
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