Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I do not know a man?” And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.”
– Luke 1: 34-35
NOW is the time for that which God has purposed and planned for you to be birthed and manifested here on earth.
Many of us have been in a season in our lives where there have been many shifts and changes occurring. Do not be alarmed by the situations or relationships that are shifting, altering or changing in your life for they are strategically setting you up for a NEW SEASON OF BIRTHING PURPOSED THINGS. And often, when bringing forth purposed things, there will entail a wrestling match within you between two natures.
One nature being your flesh, your carnal reasoning, and the second nature being that of the new creation who is indwelt of the Holy Spirit who dwells within you. Both natures, no matter how saved you are, will be contrary to one another. There will always be an element of your nature that will desire to go against what God is wanting and where God is moving. And never does that wrestle show up in such clarity than when you are close to birthing something God has purposed.
You see, a purposed thing is already something before it even manifests. It is something that has been established by God for you before it ever takes on flesh, materiality, or substance. Just as Jesus, before the incarnation, was the eternal Word with God before He became the child in the womb of Mary. I want you to understand this: before you were ever born, you were the one. Before you ever came out of the womb, God’s hand was on you. Before you ever did anything good or evil, you had been chosen of God!
The Spirit of the Lord recently said to me, “I want you to understand that the shift that has been occurring in your life is for the Birthing of Purposed Things.”
If you and I are to birth that which God has purposed for us both individually and corporately we must become acquainted and comfortable with the wrestling match because it is a match that will never stop. It will get easier to recognize and the carnal nature will get easier to pin down but it will never cease to exist.
I want you to know that…
What God has purposed for you is going to manifest in your life.
What God has told you, will come to pass; no matter what seems to be coming against it.
God is going to see this through if you will trust Him. Just like many, you may ask, “How can this be…”, as you entertain the truth of what God has purposed to do. Yet, hear me, “God’s power is overshadowing you now. His power will bring it to pass!!”
The enemy knows that with the power and the authority that Christ Jesus has given to you and me; he cannot defeat us.
As your praying prophet, I come to declare over your life:
You are going to win.
You are going to get the victory.
You are going to see it manifest.
You are going to live the life God ordained.
You are going to see everything He promised.
You are going to have what He has purposed you to have.
You, child of God, this is your destiny. You are Birthing Purposed Things! AMEN! I am in agreement with you during this season that God’s power will birth through you that which He has purposed! Believe it! Expect it! Send me your praise report. There is a miracle on the other side of your believing!
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