“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” – Ephesians 6:13 NIV
I have a message that I must give to you. The adversary has an assignment to come against your purpose. But please hear me… the schemes and the strategies the adversary has been conspiring to divert your focus, will not stop the manifestations of the purpose of God for your life. The reason? God has equipped you with His armor! You just need to know what that armor consists of and how to use it.
In Ephesians 6 Verse 11 and 12, the Word of God says, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (NKJV)
Years ago when I was reading this the Lord showed me that for years many believers have put emphasis on the wrong part of the scripture. The emphasis is not the wrestle, the emphasis is TO STAND! It was like a lightbulb went on at that moment. How can we, as new creation believers, wrestle an enemy who has already been defeated by the finished work of Jesus? We can’t, and we aren’t suppose to! The enemy is already under our feet. We already have the victory! What we can do is succumb to the temptation to wrestle. Which is why we must learn to put on the whole armor of God and STAND!
God is calling you to stand in this hour against the adversary with the whole armor of God. As you do, the armor of God will allow you to stand against:
Personal Situations
Societal Situations
Global Situations
And the devil will not be able to interrupt the plans and the purpose God has for you!
Put on the armor so you can stand!
-Gird your waist with Truth, with the Word of God (Ephesians 6:14)
-Put on the Breastplate of Righteousness and keep fear and offense out of your heart. (Ephesians 6:14)
-Shod your Feet with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace and know that Jesus is your “readiness,” even if you are unprepared. (Ephesians 6:15)
-Take the Shield of Faith and quench every fiery dart of the wicked one. (Ephesians 6:16)
-Take the Helmut of Salvation and protect your mind, your will, your emotions from anything that contradicts the Word and the Promises of God. (Ephesians 6:17)
-Take the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God! Meditate in the Word and Declare the Word so that you can answer with a good conscious. (Ephesians 6:17)
Do you see beloved that you no longer need to wrestle with the circumstances and situations in your life? That your spirit no longer needs to wrestle with your soul (mind, will, emotions and attitude)? Do you see that you have been equipped to face anything the enemy throws at you?
It’s time for you to STAND with your armor and let the devil know that enough is enough! Every piece of the armor of God is voice activated by His Word. And the angels hearken unto the voice of His Word. (Psalm 103:20) Therefore, as you stand on His Word, the angels assigned to you are going to work to assist in fulfilling and completing God’s plan and purpose for your life! Hallelujah!
Today, as you receive this revelation knowledge and begin to stand in your armor, I want to encourage you. I want to set myself in agreement with you, that you and I shall not be “seduced into the wrestle,” but rather “strengthened for THE STAND!” Don’t miss this moment… I sense a strong anointing to agree with you and whatever you do shall produce a miraculous harvest! As you stand with me today, know that the Battle is already won and that no matter what the devil thought he had planned, your angels are being released into your situation and circumstance and a manifested victory is on the horizon.
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